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Why we do what we do!!!

July 5, 2003 | By: deaneparkes

Do you still get all revved up and passionate about what you do each day? Do the day to day retailing ‘jobs’ distract you from the real reason you chose this profession? As I have heard David Chapman of Purity say on many occasions ‘we are in business to create wellbeing in people’s lives’. We are fortunate to earn a living through providing such a valuable community service by helping people be well.

Let’s have a reality check on what the ‘real’ competition is up to in creating wellbeing in people’s lives.

Following is a quote from the Journal of the American Medical Association [very prestigious medical journal].

‘Last year, the pharmaceutical industry had $182 billion in drug sales worldwide. In contrast to that figure, it cost approximately $183 billion to treat adverse reactions from all of those drugs’.

The top causes of death in the USA, in order, are: 1} Tobacco 2} Alcohol 3} Medical malpractice 4} Auto accidents 5} Firearms.’ [supplements rate lower than house plants and dog bites]. These figures do not include the adverse side effects of soft drinks, fast food chains, etc in creating obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

I do not want to go into the pros and cons of pharmaceutical drugs let alone the fact the government allows easy access to drugs, tobacco and alcohol [allowing ads that make it seem cool to get loaded] when supplements come under constant scrutiny. The point is many people put on drugs could be much better served using products and therapies you offer in your store. I like a comment Dr Whitaker uses that drug therapy makes you better but it does not make you well. If you have high blood pressure the drug will bring down your blood pressure however you end up with a side effect, then you need a drug for the side effect that perhaps corrects the side effect, then you need a stronger drug to reverse the side effect of this drug and before you know it your all doped up, have countless symptoms on top of the original blood pressure problem and are now told to stay on the drugs for life. Perhaps a visit to the local health store where some minor diet changes, some good nutrients and some mild exercise would have been a much better way to overcome high blood pressure. How can you help your community realize you have the answers and products to keep everyone healthy and well?

Dr Whitaker also claims at least 80% of people being treated for heart disease could be healthy through products and programs sold in your store. Can you come up with ideas to get information to everyone in your community on natural, safe and effective ways to protect against heart disease.

There is a feeling that everyone knows about natural remedies and natural foods.

This just is not the case. A study done by the Nutritional Business Journal over 2000-2001 states 45% of Americans do not take vitamins, 70% do not take herbal supplements, 75% do not take minerals, 85% do not take specialty supplements and 95% do not take sports nutrition. The number of rare and occasional users is also high, leaving a vast majority of sales in a small minority of the population for every category except multi-vitamins. [for the full report order at 619-295-7685 ext12 or

We all think the sports nutrition business is HUGE…. imagine if 10% of people used the products, the entire business would double. We [even with the mass retailers] have barely touched the surface. Why is it most people choose to eat poorly, not exercise and rely on harmful drugs?

There is so much opportunity to build our businesses and also raise the level of wellness in our communities. We have so many great products and associated services that can help so many people. Type II diabetes is spreading like a plague whereas diet and exercise would end it, obesity is at an all time high [29.6% of kids are obese compared to 16% in the 60s], depression, pain, fatigue and on and on. Practically every ailment can be helped or cured through good diet, supplementation and some exercise. I read about the benefits of having a positive attitude…you eat well and generally your attitude improves. This is the category I see the health food store dominate!!!. It is not about selling products at a great price, it is about selling great products that keep people well. A person could be on a massive supplement program for less than a Starbucks coffee.

I think we may have errored as an industry by devaluing our products through massive discounting before we reached the volume of users to justify the reduction of price. Most companies are left with little extra resources to spend on building their brand to the consumers and thus we have not really been able to build the benefits of our industry. The only time we get a hit is if a fad comes along. Curing heart disease, diabetes, obesity are not fads. Helping people stay out of hospitals and away from doctors is not a fad. ONLY through diet, exercise and supplementation will we see a change in the health of people. You as health food retailers and your suppliers need to find better ways to communicate to your communities.

I know there are stores struggling and people who have become disenchanted over the years as they see how hard it is for our message to be given out. I think each of us needs to make it our goal to spread the message of wellness, to work with companies that share your values and let’s focus on getting more people experiencing the benefits we have quietly sitting on the shelves. Ask yourself this question: what can I do to improve the health and well being of my community?

Final stat – MacDonalds is testing Yves Veggieburgers in 600 locations in Southern California, this is in the wake of their first quarter in their history they had a loss.

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