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Personal Whether Forecast

May 5, 2016

Words, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to our personal ‘whether system’. Each of these determine whether we have a good day or bad, whether friends, family or customers feel warm or cold around us, whether we create havoc or harmony and overall whether we are toxic or environmentally friendly. I understand there are outside […]

The Sales Personality

January 5, 2016

Bernie Siegel MD made an interesting discovery working with patients with multiple personality disorder. As the patients experienced distinct change in personality they also experienced distinct change in ailments and addictions. As example in one personality a patient may have a severe skin rash while in another the rash would clear up or in one […]

No margin…no mission

November 5, 2015

Of late I’m hearing retailers having challenges maintaining let alone increasing margin! Stores across Canada are experienced a flatting out or drop in overall sales. Perhaps due to no more Dr Oz effect however whatever the case the combination of less margin and lower sales is a formula for increased stress from ownership/management down throughout […]

Lead with your heart, manage with your head

July 5, 2015

While shopping at my local health food store this past weekend I struck up a conversation with a fairly shy young woman about what she was demoing…when she opened up she became very animated and passionate about what she was demoing. She spoke from her heart as she described the humane treatment of the animals, […]

Be the OZ Effect

January 5, 2015

In my travels across Canada I am hearing the ‘Oz’ effect has slowed which has had some impact on overall sales. The FTC put him in his place! So where did the Ozites go…back to the land of OZ? Not quite…they went back to their cozy homes in your community, the 8 miles around your […]